Year: 2024

Butter Making

This week for a school trip My class and LS2 went to the howick historical  village, there was alot of old houses and it was based on a village that was made in the 1850’s it looked very old and the workers there was dressed like it was the 1850’s it was very cool, first we went inside a house were we made butter out of cream and then after that we went on a guided walk to explore the village and then we went and made a big to car that almost looked like a skateboard we sat on it after we built it and then another person would push us down the hill it was very fun there and then we took a group photo and headed off back to school.

SSR selfie

This week for reading we did a SSR selfie i choose babysitters club, the task was to write the auther of the book and then recount the events that happned in the book then we put new words from the book and discribe them.

Bar graphs

  This Week teacher gave us a task to amke our own bar graphs, she put three options to do like favourite books, favourite fruit, and favourite games, i chose favourite books and as you can see harry potter is the highest and divergent is lowest.


This week for reading my teacher gave me and my reading group did a task that we had to finish before next week, first we had to read a book and then we did the task the task was to, read the text on the slides for example the text would be, a beach with white sand and stars, so we would have to put an image of a beach with white sand and stars.

Buoyancy Challenge

In week four, me and my class LS1 did a buoyancy challenge we had to make a  popsicle boat, but the catch was we had to put a tea bag on top of it and if the tea bag got wet you would lose but if u kept it dry you would win a lollipop at the end of the day, 

But don’t worry if you lost at the end of the day before pack up time we played a game to get a chance to win a lollipop,

The day after making the popsicle boats the teacher would call out a group of three and then we would see if our boat would float or sink or if the tea bag would get wet,

At the end of the school day everyone got a lollipop and they were all grateful on what they got. Thank you Miss Tele’a for planning this amazing subject for LS1.

The eye Guy

First,  a man was eating his dinner with his kids and mum, after dinner 

He  did the dishes, everynight he spends 1 hour on the game. After that he goes on his phone and after that he sleeps. One time he stayed up all night on the game and it was 3 am and he saw weird things like eyes looking back but he ignored it and appeared.


I Enjoyed: writing the story

I Need To Improve on: writing more

I Did Well at: writing

Place value

This week we revised what we know about Place Value We have also Started Learning about How a number can be Represented in many difrent ways our task was to create a poster,


I enjoyed, writing everything down on here.


i need to work on, blogging more.


i did well at, making this poster

what’s LS1’s favorite chocolate

This week for Maths me and my Class did bar graphs, me and my buddy Sweet-E did chocolate she stayed to write what We were doing As i went around to ask what Peoples favorite chocolate was and Most Of them Said Kit Kat chocolate.

I Enjoyed, asking people


i need to improve on, asking more people


i need to work on, my focuse